
Key Roles Of A Teacher Within The Further Education Sector

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Whether a novice or experienced teacher, their role is always a progressive one, as “in learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn” (Collins P, 1999). Teachers, just like learners, will learn/develop by reflecting on their practice and work by discussing this with other teachers and receiving feedback from learners; it is very important for teachers to be reflective and critical of their teaching (Calderhead, 2015) in order to ensure that learners are receptive and engaged in the material being covered.
This essay will explore the key roles and responsibilities of a teacher within the Further Education sector and examine various UK policies and legislation within education such as the Prevent strategy, the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults within education and training. In every occupation and in every sector; there are specific roles …show more content…

The government and educational institutions place a heavy emphasis on safeguarding to be a teacher’s main priority in which they must be responsible for; part of that responsibility means teachers must ensure all and any required safeguarding training is completed and knowledge of legislative changes must be updated regularly.
Another responsibility that a teacher must uphold is to be a strong role model and set an example for children and young people, by promoting equality, diversity and British values. Teachers do not only have the responsibility to pass on knowledge to learners, challenge them and develop their higher order thinking skills (Bloom et al, 1956), but also to embed British Values within their sessions by promoting democracy, the rule of law, mutual respect and for learners to be open-minded of others beliefs and faiths (,

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