
Kazakhstan and United States Income Tax Treaty

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Kazakhstan has concluded 43 double taxation treaties with different countries around the globe and one of them is the United States. Kazakhstan and the United Stated singed an income tax treaty and protocol on October 24, 1994. The parties initialed the proposed convention and protocol during the first half of 1993. Although similar to the U.S. - Russia income tax treaty, the new Kazakh accord contains some distinguishing features.

Creditable taxes
The new agreement applies to the Kazakh on profits and income provided by the laws “On Taxation of Enterprises, Associations and Organizations” and “On the Income Tax on Citizens of the Kazakh SSR, Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons.” Treaty article 23, Relief From Double Taxation, states …show more content…

Such gains will be deemed to arise in the other state to the extent necessary to avoid double taxation.
If one contracting state introduces such a tax, it is required by the protocol to inform the other state in a timely manner and consult as to the need to amend the treaty to provide for non-recognition treatment. The protocol anticipates the possibility of future legislation, as neither country imposes taxes on foreigners’ capital gains.
The phrase “tax sparing” appears in the protocol. The protocol states that both sides agree that a tax-sparing credit will not be provided in article 25 at this time. Treasury officials evidently were not adverse to saying that the convention will be “promptly amended to incorporate a tax sparing credit provision” if the United States amends its tax laws concerning the provision of tax-sparing credits, or if the United States negotiates a tax-sparing provision in a future tax convention with another country.

Permanent Establishment
The proposed treaty’s permanent establishment provision provides that a building site, installation, construction or assembly project-including an installation or drilling rig for exploration or exploitation of natural resources- will constitute a permanent establishment if the site, project, or rig operates for longer

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