
Corporate Income Tax In The United States

Decent Essays

Corporate income tax is one of the highest taxes in the United States, and for several beneficial reasons. It is an impertinent source of federal income, a crucial backstop for personal income tax, does not create jobs, and as seen from the past, creates higher taxes in the future. To begin, “the corporate income tax is the third highest source of federal revenue” in the United States ("How does the corporate income tax work?"). Federal revenue is used to aid the government financially, in instances such as Medicare and Medicaid. Contrary to popular belief, there is no flat-rate tax on all businesses, meaning that all corporations pay the same tax rate. Instead, a corporation’s marginal tax rate can be anywhere between fifteen to thirty-five …show more content…

This helps to lower the corporate tax rate; however, the more this is done, then the more the government must continue to cut personal taxes on affluent individuals. “The entire tax system gets compressed, led downwards by the corporation tax ("Taxing corporations.").” Essentially what this means is that if the top one percent of our nation has tax cuts, then the workers—or those not in the wealthy bracket—will have an increased tax, and no one likes higher …show more content…

These tax reforms can be seen during the 1980s with the Ronald Reagan Administration. Ronald Reagan and his “Reaganomics”, as the media called it, was a process of cutting taxes, including large cuts to corporate income tax, to stimulate business and the economy (59b.). Cutting taxes on the upper class of the United Stated was originally thought to drive business owners to hire more workers and produce more and better products in the global trade market. However, this resulted in a deep recession in the early 1980s (59b.). Instead of sparking business and increasing the United States’ place in the global market, it created large inflammation and higher interest rates (59b.). As for global trade, the price of exports decreased while the cost of imports increased due to drastic change in value of the American currency (59b.). The ideology of “Reaganomics” and lowering taxes ended in disaster for the U.S.

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