
Karl Jung's Impact On Alcoholics Anonymous

Decent Essays

Karl Jung and his impact on Alcoholics Anonymous Mental Health Clinical Essay Razia Fathima Houston Community College Abstract Alcoholics Anonymous is a self-help group for alcoholics who have realized that drinking has become a problem for them and their families and is also interfering in their day to day work activities. They have no control over it and have surrendered themselves to it and the only way out is to seek help through higher power. Behind this organization’s foundation is a Swiss Psychiatrist named Karl Jung who impacted a hopeless alcoholic named Rowland through his guidance in seeking help from higher power. Who then influenced one of the founders of this organization named Bill Wilson. …show more content…

Such was a case of Rowland who Jung describes as a hopeless alcoholic whose spiritual level was very low he asked him to seek help from higher power: who is the one and only one who can lift you off this misery. Today at every AA meeting sessions begin with a moment of silence, followed by the recitation of the Serenity Prayer (“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”). Karl Jung made people realize that they only way to seek help of things that are beyond your control is to ask the higher power to help you overcome. His work is followed in every AA meeting and in every step of 12 steps there is a call for God to help remain sanity, handed decisions to God, admitted to God, humbly ask him to remove our short comings and through prayers and meditation we seek nearness to God and on

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