
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Essay

Decent Essays

I have never experienced what it would be like to be a part of an AA meeting. The only time I have had seen or heard someone mention meetings for alcoholics has been TV shows and movies, which would portray these meeting as a circle of strangers just deliberating stories of their life and how this disease has changed them forever. Therefore, I had no idea what to expect. I felt intimidated and had a sense of nervousness, so I decided I would not go alone and brought a friend. My expectation upon entering this meeting was to see beat up people with bad hygiene and a homeless appearance. As a matter of fact, the expectations I had upon walking towards this place was that I was going to get hit on and even get kidnapped. As crazy as it …show more content…

I honestly cannot believe that God was the answer to the cure since there are many other treatments related to alcoholism, such as going to therapy or having self control, but not religion.
The AA meeting I attended was an open speaker (OS), which meant that the majority of the time was spent listening to a particular member give a testimony of their journey with alcohol. As I sat, I had no idea what I was going to expect which made me nervous. There was a woman introducing herself in front of everyone who I learned was the meeting chairperson for that day. As the meeting began, the chair asked if anyone was attending AA for the first time. A few raised their hands; I was not one of them. I was too intimidated to introduce myself and speak. The chairperson then read the AA Preamble and led a group prayer which the majority of the people recited. At this point, I felt like an outcast since I did not know the words to the prayer.
Lastly, the chairperson recounted her own personal story with addiction. I was surprised how the group handled her story in a positive way. I noticed at times members laughed and even smiled and others making brief supporting comments. Rather than judge the events of her life, the group members seemed to connect in a personal way. I liked how the meeting was honest and open. Afterwards different members of the meeting read brief AA literature, "How it Works," the "Twelve Traditions" and "The Promises." I listened to each of them very closely

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