
Kant Vs Schopenhauer

Decent Essays

Philosophy is a fascinating area of study. There is no solid answer for anything which is amazing and also so frustrating. Many of what we consider some of the most intelligent people, have pondered the simple question of what is right and what is wrong. For a question so basic, it is followed by some very complicated answers. Three of the most recognized philosophers could not even agree on what a person should value and how they should act in order to obtain a pure and virtuous life. These philosophers are known as Aristotle, Kant, and Schopenhauer. Each have written numerous essays and books in how they approach ethics and all it includes.
Aristotle, one of the most famous philosophers, explains the right path is a virtuous path. If one …show more content…

Kant's theory is known as a deontological moral theory. According to these theories, the rightness or wrongness of actions does not depend on their consequences but on whether they fulfill our duty. Kant believed that there was a supreme principle of morality, and he referred to it as The Categorical Imperative. “Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law” (Kant, 30). A maxim is the rule or principle on which you act. The command states, you are not allowed to do anything yourself that you would not be willing to allow everyone else to do as well. You are not allowed to make exceptions for yourself. For example, if you expect other people to keep their promises, then you are obligated to keep your own promises. More accurately, it commands that every maxim you act on must be such that you are willing to make it the case that everyone always act on that maxim when in a similar situation. For example, if I wanted to lie to get something I wanted, I would have to be willing to make it the case that everyone always lied to get what they wanted. If this were to happen, no one would ever believe you, so the lie would not work and you would not get what you wanted. So, if you willed that this maxim should become a universal law, then you would never achieve your goal. It is too bad to lie, according to the categorical imperative. It is impermissible because …show more content…

in itself; and, considered by itself” (Kant, 7). The only thing that is good without qualification is the good will, Kant says. All other candidates for an intrinsic good have problems, Kant argues. Courage, health, and wealth can all be used for ill purposes, Kant argues, and since then, can not be intrinsically good. Happiness is not intrinsically good because even being worthy of happiness, Kant suggests, requires that one possess a good will. The good will is the only unconditional good. Misfortune may leave someone incapable of achieving their goals, for instance, but the goodness of their will remains. According to Kant, doing something out of good will means doing it strictly for the sake of duty. You do the right thing because it is your job to do so. As soon as you are doing an act out of the fact that you are inclined to do so because of some reward, or pleasure that is involved then that act will not account for your good will. Kant is straight to the point duty

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