
Analysis Of Minority Report

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The 2002 film, Minority Report, seems to contain the aspects of a Kantian approach, but when analysing the movie in further detail, does it hold its place? The Pre-crime program punishes individuals for having the intent to murder another, even when the action does not take place. Kant elaborates his standards pertaining ethics in Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, where Pre-crime can be further understood. Minority Report takes place in the year 2054, crime is virtually eradicated from Washington D.C. due to the Precrime crew. The program uses three gifted humans, known as Pre-Cogs, to see in the future and predict crimes beforehand. John Anderton, the head of Precrime, believes that the system is flawless, however, the Pre-Cogs …show more content…

Kant’s first proposition is an action has moral worth only if it is done out of duty, such as when someone who has absolutely no interest in donating to the poor does so out of duty. His second proposition is that action has moral worth not because of its aim, but because of the maxim on which it is based, meaning that it would not matter if the intent failed, as long as the principle was good. His third proposition is that duty is the necessity of an action from respect for the law, such as if an individual is in an embarassing spot, they could will the lie, but not will the maxim to lie. Kant argues that everything is secretly done in self benefit, an example can be an individual helping another merely for the fulfilled feeling. Comparing Kantian aspects to Minority Report can be done with ease. Kant’s second proposition, that an action has moral worth because of its maxim, can be further understood in the Pre-crime stance. The Pre-crime organization is in place in order to stop murders. Individuals, such as Anderton, are sought out to be arrested before they even comprehend the crime. However, Kant would argue that the arrest is valid due to the fact that they are capable of such an intention, even if the act was not committed. Emotions are something people tend to little to no control on, which leads to crime of passion, or the red balls, being produced. These

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