
Justified In The Movie : Do The Right Thing

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The word “justified” comes up in almost every discussion of morals, but what does it truly mean? To determine if something is right or wrong everyone must be on the same page of what is justifiable. Thus, the definition will come into play while making laws, in court, and when contemplating your own morals. For an action to be justified, it must be understandable and have good intentions. The action must be balanced to the situation, and they must have expected a somewhat positive outcome from it.
Viewers of the movie Do The Right Thing will be familiar with questioning the meaning of “justified,” because the main character carries out a controversial action. Mookie, a black man, threw a trash can into the window of a white man’s pizzeria and started a riot where the whole block destroyed the restaurant. This was a reaction to seeing his black friend, Radio Raheem, murdered by the police in front of the town, while he was protesting racial injustice. Riots like this broke out during the civil rights movement, and those are still controversial today as to if they helped or hindered their cause. Today, Black Lives Matter is known for holding riots in protest of racial injustice that are also controversial. In this case, Mookie’s action was justified because he was understandably angry and frustrated, and he knew everyone taking it out on the restaurant itself was the best way to let out this frustration.
Mookie’s reaction was certainly appropriate, he had a right to feel

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