
June Iparis Character Traits

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The book Legend by Marie Lu contains plenty of different character. There is June Iparis, a fifteen year-old prodigy who got a perfect score(1500/1500)on her Trial, the Republic’s mandatory test system. There is also Thomas Bryant, the loyal Republic soldier who will do anything the Republic orders him to do, without any questions. Although, if there was one you had to make your best friend it would have to the country’s most wanted criminal. His name is Daniel Altan Wing, though he goes by Day. He is a fifteen year-old boy who lives on the streets of Los Angeles. Day is a selfless person, and cares deeply for his family, though that is not something you tend to look for in a best friend. You want your best friend to be kind, honest, …show more content…

Day seems to have at least one of those traits. Day is confident. This is proven when June and Day are talking to each other in an alleyway near the beginning of the book. They state, ‘“I don't know if anyone's ever told you this", he begins. He doesn't blush, and his eyes don't dart away. Instead I find myself staring into a pair of oceans - one perfect, the other blemished by that tiny ripple. "You're very attractive." I've been complimented on my appearance before. But never in his tone of voice. Of all the things he's said, I don't know why this catches me off guard. But it startles me so much that without thinking I blurt out, "I could say the same about you." I pause. "In case you didn't know." A slow grin spreads across his face, ‘ "Oh, trust me. I know”‘(Loc 1538). When Day states, “Oh, trust me. I know,” it is shown that he is very confident in his appearance, and does not need someone to tell him that he looks good, to know that he looks good. To be a best friend, the person needs to be kind, trustworthy, honest, and kind, confident, and Daniel Altan Wing seems to have at least one …show more content…

Throughout the book, June continuously questions the Republic, while Day is continuously trying to take down the Republic. Therefore, the main conflict of this story is man v.s. society. However, in this beginning of the trilogy, the conflict is not resolved. June and Day do manage to escape the government's clutches, but once they escape, nothing has really changed. The Republic will continue to run their plague experiments on the innocent people in poor sectors. The government will continue to kill innocent people who learn the truth about them. All June and Day have done so far is make life better for them. This impacts the characters positively. Knowing what the government does to their people, at the end of the book, they start to seek the Patriots(a group of rebels who are attempting to restore the United States)assistance in taking action against the Republic. The conflict is proven when June is interrogating Day. Day states, “Oh, is that all you’re worried about? A bunch of renegade Trial takers who manage to escape their deaths(Loc 1866)?” This shows that government has tested the plague on Day himself,(it is shown later in the book that the government tests the plague on kids who had failed their trial)which demonstrates why he would be wanting to take down the government. A song that compliments this conflict would be “White America” by Eminem. This

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