
Juliet Schohor Analysis

Good Essays

Within society today, people tend to have a special need when it comes to personal consumerism. Consumerism can be viewed in various aspects depending on if the persons lives their life based around materialistic items or if they choose to stray from this idea. However when we narrow down what consumerism truly means we have to ask ourselves, does owning more stuff truly make life better? Juliet Schor is an author who talks about consumerism as being an aspect that needs to be controlled. Whereas another writer, Rockwell speaks for the changes in society towards this idea to be a good thing to which consumerism can hold the ideas for the modern future. The more stuff people consume may make their lives easier but in my opinion certainly doesn't …show more content…

Instead of one focusing on a single issue, such as money, we focus on items to simply make everyday life easier. American Consumers lack to focus on the overall effect of the products they buy will have in homes, not to mention in our community. This is one reason we have a consumer based country that leads to many other problems of various origins within the economy. However the controversial topic being determined is whether or not consumerism is for the best. This can be addressed from two views, for instance Juliet Schor speaks of the recent struggle in debt our country has throughout her writings, which in return asks the question, should we really be spending? Schor doesn’t think we shouldn't and it’s been proven that shoppers today may consume as much as twice as of what people only 40 years ago may have. Schor views consumerism to be okay when moderated because you have to buy and sell to create newer societies with a modern appeal. Although this doesn’t mean take away some of the wonderful moments in life, just to go shopping. For instance, four billion square feet of America’s land is simply shopping centers, making it almost impossible to live and teach an independent lifestyle that is necessary when explaining how our country was …show more content…

She provides us with examples of how people can sit and constantly be thinking of what they may want in the future. This however keeps them so distracted that they are discontent with what they already have/bought in the past. This creates a cycle like process to which consumers/every day people can easily fall into with the moderation of consumption. As humans, we base our lives around either the past, present, or future and one alike factor in these times is the will to change. One of the easiest ways to change is through consuming new items, whether it's to just put a new spin on your kitchen or to buy a new couch, either way it changes an aspect of your daily

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