
Consumerism And It's Discontents Analysis

Decent Essays

Since the onset of consumerism, the major growth of consumption has caused society to improve their daily life. With new innovations such as washing machines, dishwashers, automobiles, and cell phones society is able to eliminate hard work and progress forward. The inventions and innovations created have enhanced the quality of many lives. The everyday labor around the house is reduced, we can talk to anyone from around the world at any time, and look up any kind of information without having to read a book. However many of these time saving and efficient innovations are purchased by people who have no need for these devices and purchased them un- necessarily as luxury items. There have been many essays written about the positive and negative …show more content…

Does having twice as much or bigger and better devices make us any happier? Many people see buying things such as dishwashers and cars as a necessary purchase. Although many may argue that these purchase help the quality of life, but in reality these type of purchases are unnecessary. We start to become shopaholics. Buying anything and everything to fill that hole inside us. Unfortunately that satisfaction goes away quickly. Buying our way to happiness doesn’t work. According to Tori DeAngelis and Juliet Schor, this is not abnormal. In Schor’s essay she stated, “The percentage of the population who reported being “very happy” peaked in 1957… By the last years the polls were taken (1970 and 1978), the national level of “very happy” had not recovered, in spite of the rapid growth in consumption during the 1960’s and 1970’s” (qtd. In Schor 612). This goes to show what consumerism does to us. It takes away our happiness. Many factors of consumption can cause this, but the main factor is competition. These materialistic goods have made us all competitive as if we were animals trying to survive. But what we’re competing for isn’t natural. Trying to meet others standards of life isn’t healthy. Consumerism isn’t the solution although some may say it

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