
Julie Otsuka's When The Emperor Was Divine

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Quinn Kawaja 9th English - Maximiliano 12 Mar. 2024 Past America and Future America: When the Emperor was Divine In “When the Emperor was Divine” by Julie Otsuka, a family is separated because their dad is sent to an internment camp. In the years following, the rest of the family including the Boy, the Girl, and the Mother are sent to a separate internment camp. As the Girl navigates through her life in the internment camp, she embodies the American dream of embracing the present to shape the future, even in the face of adversity. This is contrary to her mother, who remains fixated on the past and what could have been. The Girl exhibits adaptability and resilience, symbolizing the American ideal of perseverance and forward-thinking. Even though she is in the midst of hardship, the girl shows …show more content…

Tragically, she focuses on what she lost and if any family heirlooms will remain in her home upon her return. In general, family heirlooms represent history and memories, things of the past and her current situation. The mother's focus on these items is evident when she wishes for her Electrolux. While not completely an heirloom, it is a valuable item of her past that represents comfort and familiarity. Talking to herself, she says "What I wouldn’t give for my Electrolux" (26), showcasing her unwillingness to embrace the current circumstances and her longing for the comforts of the past. The Mother being stuck up with what could have been hinders her ability to adapt and move forward in her current context; what will have been. Ultimately, this contributes to her sense of brokenness by the story's end. The comparison between the girl and her mother in the book highlights the contrast between America's past and future. While the Girl embodies resilience, adaptability, and a forward-thinking mindset, symbolizing America's future, her mother remains fixated on what once

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