
Jonathan Smith's A Modest Proposal

Decent Essays

A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Smith was a proposal to the Irish people; it was an odd perspective on how to change as a nation, since the government was not helping. A vague summary of the writing includes putting the nation's children to "good use" and using them as food, clothes, etc to carry the people out of famine. Swift's proposal, though it may come across as morbid, was a fantastic way of getting the government's attention and calling them out. All-in-all, Smith really wanted change and improvement within the nation, he had to show this through a sarcastic tone to catch the attention of his intended audience (the Irish government); this most relates to current times in how governments still continue to ignore big moral issues in the nation, and push back important problems. Within the paper, swift makes …show more content…

As a result, Jonathan Swift proposed a proposal; in which, he was very sarcastic. This sarcastic tone was purposeful to capture the government's attention with his ironic commentary, like " constant consumers for infants' flesh". Without the irony, and morbid intentions, it would not have caught the attention of the government. As a whole, the piece of writing it satire, more specifically ironic. He focuses his satire on three groups of people, majority is targeted towards the government for everything they are not doing, but it also goes to the landlords, and the poor people. Swift mentions ironic comments towards the landlords for being so willing to accept anything that brings them benefit, not matter what the costs. On the other hand, he shows sarcasm towards the poor people for not taking action, or standing up for themselves. Overall, the entire proposal is filled with irony; irony towards the government, landlords, and the

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