
Pathos In A Modest Proposal

Decent Essays

“A Modest Proposal” was written by Dr. Jonathan Swift. In this essay, Swift suggest that the poor people of Ireland should sell their children as food to the the rich men and women to help ease their economic troubles. This is not the right thing to do. To sell your own children as food to help make your life better is not right under any circumstances.
Throughout “A Modest Proposal”, Swift uses facts, logic, and truth to help show why he thinks his idea is good. In the essay, Swift says “maintenance ...100,000 children less..than 10 shillings per piece… stock...increased by 50,000.” Swift uses this statistic to show the economic value of his proposal in that the consumption of children would bring more currency into circulation. “I subtract …show more content…

“We can incur no damage in disobliging England.” “First as things now stand how will they be able to find food and raiment for a hundred thousand useless mouths and backs.” By telling the people that his plan can solve Ireland's problems without hurting England and also calling Irishmen useless. Swift says these things to appeal to the citizens emotions of hatred. Swift also uses Ethos in this essay. “As to my own part, having turned my thoughts for many years, upon this important subject.” By telling the people that he has been observing what was going on in Ireland for many years it gives him credibility that he knows what he is talking about. “As I have been informed by a principal gentleman in the county of Cavan.” “I am assured by our merchant,that a boy or a girl before twelve years old is is no saleable.” In order to give himself and what he is proposing more credibility, the speaker enlist the help of other people who have either witness or are involved with what he is proposing and all of them say that the proposal has benefits.
The problems talked about in “A Modest Proposal” are not so different from the problems we face today. We still have poverty, people living on the streets and families with kids who can barely pay rent. I don’t agree with Swift’s idea and don’t think it would work very well. It would greatly damage the population and greatly the future of people because if we eat

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