
John Steinbeck's Contribution To The American Voice

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The American voice is what Americans have to say that helps contribute to worldly matters. It is unique because it changes everyday with new events happening and people adding more to the American voice. John Steinbeck was a big contributor to the American voice in the 30’s and 40’s during the Great Depression era. He grew up in a hardworking family, his mother a schoolteacher and his father moved from job to job trying to keep food on the table. He worked as a war correspondent during World War II and also worked as a caretaker for the elderly. His background helped shape who he was, and ultimately helped his work because he could relate to people.
Born in 1902 and raised in a home in California, John Steinbeck lived a normal life. “Steinbeck …show more content…

He loved writing from a young age and knew he wanted to pursue that; “attending Stanford University, he took courses in English and marine biology but left without completing his degree, having made the decision” (“John Steinbeck” 1). His first few books were not very successful, but that did not stop him. His best-known novel was Of Mice and Men (Written in 1937) was not as popular in his time as it is now. His work is highly respected in the Literature world and still studied to this day. “He was awarded the Pulitzer Price for The Grapes of Wrath, and in 1962 he received the Nobel Prize in Literature” (“John Steinbeck” 1). Overall his work was very successful and he had a huge impact on Americans and an even bigger impact on the American voice.
Steinbeck’s books were very …show more content…

The townspeople broke out into chaos and started becoming violent after Lanser started giving orders to the people. A townsperson named Alexander Morden kills one of Lanser’s captains after becoming frustrated with him. Lanser approaches Mayor Orden with the idea of executing Morden, and Orden responds with “I have no right to pass sentence of death… I would be breaking the law as much as you” (Steinbeck 54). The battalion soon executes Morden anyway and that is when the town becomes outraged. They respond with silence and also causing problems around the town. Then it gets really out of hand when the people start killing more and more soldiers. Even Mayor Orden is shocked by his people and speaks to them pleading, “Can you understand this- can you believe this? Just for a little while, can’t we just forget this war?... can’t we talk together like people – together” (Steinbeck 83). Some people escaped to England and asked for help from the English. The battalion fear for their defeat and take Mayor Orden hostage and claim that they will kill him if the people do not stop. Mayor Orden soon realizes that his people will stop for nothing and he is executed. His last wish is to his friend Dr. Winter and he asks for the resistance from the people to continue. Steinbeck brings a bunch of insensible violence into this book, from the killing of Alexander

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