
John Rawls and the Social Contract Essay

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John Rawls and the Social Contract

ABSTRACT. Adapting the traditional social contract approach of earlier years to a more contemporary use, John Rawls initiated an unparaleled revitalization of social philosophy. Instead of arguing for the justification of civil authority or the form that it should take, Professor Rawls is more interested in the principles that actuate basic social institutions —he presupposes authority and instead focuses on its animation. In short, Rawls argues that “justice as fairness” should be that basic animating principle. Imagine that rational actor X has been charged with the responsibility of developing the guiding principles for a totaly new type of social contract for today’s society. Is there …show more content…

He argues only that if a group of rational men did find themselves in the predicament of the original position, they would contract for [his] two principles [of jjustice].” 4 Rawls’ contract is hypothetical, “and hypothetical 1 Nussbaum, Martha. Ethics: The Big Questions . p. 270. contracts do not supply an independent argument for the fairness of enforcing their terms…a hyp othetical contract is not simply a pale form of an actual contract; it is no contract at al.” 5 In the realm of social contract theory, ‘contractual metaphors’ are used to facilitate the mind’s digestion of otherwise abstract intelectual material. They are not to be understood as representing enforceable legal obligations. They are, however, quite useful in conceptualizing discussions vis -a-vis social justice.

Traditionaly, the state of nature argument functions as a heuristic device. Simply put, it is a teaching tool used to characterize the initial situation of humankind’s coming together into social organization —this situation may be more or less antagonistic, or more or less harmonious depending on what the particular theorist understands as “human nature” in the absence of rules of jjustice. 6 Those individuals who are traditionaly

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