
John Piper Juxtaposes

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In this book, John Piper juxtaposes having the mentality of a shepherd over the mentality of a professional. He covers a variety of topics that he seeks to articulate the most God-exalting view. He states, “We pastors are being killed by the professionalizing of the pastoral ministry. The mentality of the professional is not the mentality of the prophet. It is not the mentality of the slave of Christ. Professionalism has nothing to do with the essence and heart of the Christian ministry. The more professional we long to be, the more spiritual death we will leave in our wake. For there is no professional childlikeness; there is no professional tenderheartedness; there is no professional panting after God.” Piper urges us to understand the importance …show more content…

Typically, these genres reek with legalistic notions that stir away from the gospel, but Piper reach to the root of each topic. The focus of each topic was on God and how he is most glorified. He states, “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. Or: The chief end of man is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever. Does Christian hedonism make a god out of pleasure? No. It says that we all make a god out of what we take most pleasure in. My life is devoted to helping people make God their God, by wakening in them the greatest pleasures in Him.” Piper did a remarkable job implementing the glory of God in all the topics he covered. He also did a great job noting how even ministry could get in the way of our devotion to God. He states, “One survey of pastors asked, ‘What are the most common obstacles to spiritual growth?’ The top three were busyness (83 percent), lack of discipline (73 percent), and interruptions (47 percent). Most of these interruptions and most of our busyness are ministry related, not “worldly.” The great threat to our prayer and our meditation on the Word of God is good ministry activity. Charles Spurgeon put it like this: Those incessant knocks at our door, and perpetual visits from idle persons, are so many buckets of cold water thrown upon our devout zeal. We must by some means secure uninterrupted meditation, or we shall lose power.” This was an eye-opening statement because even good deeds can become an obstacle to our devotion to God. No task in this world is more important than our devotion to knowing and loving God. Piper did an awesome job of opening our eyes to the fact that if any of these deeds are place before our devotion to God, then they become our idols. Piper not only addresses idolatry but sin itself. He does not mince words when he addresses sin. He states, “Sin is intrinsically ugly and outrageous in the universe. To trifle

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