
John Coleman And The Rock House Essay

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John Coleman Boyd was born March 16, 1802. He settled in Chambers County, Alabama. He purchased land that was previously held by they Creek Indians and built a house. The original house was built with native fieldstone by slave labor. The home was known as the “Rock House.” Under the rock rooms there was room to store fruit, vegetables, and other produce. There was a smoke house for curing and preserving meat products. These were all a necessity to survive. In the grove there were log cabins that were the slave quarters. Today all that remains of the cabins is a lone chimney. John Coleman Boyd had about 1,900 acres and he acquired other properties. After looking in further it was shown that John Coleman’s total estate was valued at $88,000 and that he owned 42 slaves. John Coleman told a good friend Sam Jeter that a man should not stay in one place too long. Because of this John Coleman went to Northeast Texas there he purchased some land. He made his decision to move to Texas, he got the wagon train to be loaded and ready to leave. The night before they were going to leave John Coleman suffered a stroke. During his illness John Coleman continued to manage his Boyd Tank properties by having some slaves pull him around the farm in a rickshaw-type cart. During his illness his wife Elizabeth sold some of his properties in Texas. He later dies on March 2, 1861. William Ewell Boyd was the first child of William and Mary Ann Boyd. He was born October 8, 1863. Many called him

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