
Johann Bach Research Paper

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Johann Bach is a famous violinist and composer he was born on 3/31/1685 in eisenach, germany. He was parented by johann bach was his dad and elizabeth lammerhirt bach. He had 7 siblings they were Johann Christoph Bach, Johann Balthasar Bach, Johann Jonas Bach, Johann Jacob Bach, Johann Nicolaus Bach, Maria Salome Bach, Johanna Juditha Bach. He went to school at st michael's school in germany. Johann ach had very many siblings but many don't make it to adulthood. Johann bach lived in germany with his parents. He didn't play very many instruments all he play is the violin and the harpsichord. Bach had 2 wives the first one was maria barbara bach and the second one was anna magdalena bach. Bach had 20 kids 7 with the first wife 13 with

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