
Jodi Arias Research Paper

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Jodi Arias is a 36 Year old Legal shield Saleswoman. She is now a murderer of her Ex-Boyfriend Travis Victor Alexander. Arias changed everything about herself before the murder of Alexander so that none of the neighbors recognized her, she rented a car and changed her hair color to disguised her self. Jodi Ann Arias “Jodi Arias” Was Born July 9th, 1980 In Salinas, California to William Angelo and Sandy D. Arias. She has four siblings, an older half sister and two younger brothers and a sister. At ten Arias showed an interest in photography which continued thought out her adult like. Arias claimed her parents Abused her as a child starting at the age seven. When Arias was in eleventh grade, she dropped out. in February 2006 Arias became an at home worker for legalShield before she was known for Murder of Travis Alexander, her ex- boyfriend was thirty years old he was also a salesman for Prepaid Legal services. They then later met in September 2006 at a PPL services conference in Las Vegas,Nevada. Arias thought she could just parked her car farther away. However, doing so still risked someone who knew her car driving by and …show more content…

He was stabbed twenty-seven times in the back and torso and shot in the head, His throat was slit from ear to ear. Jodi was living in Yreka, California When she met Alexander at a business convention in las Vegas in 2006. Arias testified that her relationship with Alexander became increasingly physically and emotionally abusive.Arias also said Alexander shook her while saying “I’m sick of you”, Then began “Screaming at me”, After that he “Body slammed me on the foot of his bed” Taunting her, saying “Don’t act like that hurts” Before he called her the “B” word and kicked her in the ribs. Then, Arias said “He went to kick me again, and I put my hand out” Arias held up her left hand showing that her ring finger was

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