
Jim Eckman Stem Cell Research Outline

Decent Essays

Stem Cell Research
Christine Olson

Human embryonic stem cell research has been a hot debate for many years and with good reason. Many people believe that by performing this type of research we are violating the right to human life. In his article, Jim Eckman makes a compelling argument, but fails to really make any convincing arguments about why the negatives outweigh the medical benefits that stem cell research possesses and so for that I disagree with him.
Eckman claims that instead of helping, stem cell research kills and destroys human life. However, at the stage that these embryos are at, they are not considered to be a human life. They are unable to survive on their own until they are implanted into the uterus so they are only considered to be a part of another human being. If we choose to use them for research opportunities we are not in any way harming them because they have no desires, thoughts, or emotions. These properties are all things that we associate with being a human so if these embryos do not have any of those, they are not considered to be humans yet. In fact, many fertilized eggs are lost because of natural causes with no further implications, so using embryos for research purposes should be looked at …show more content…

If we were unable to research or experiment to better our society, we would not be anywhere near where we currently are in the medical world. The benefits of stem cell research really could push us that much more forward and get us that much closer to possibly finding cures for incurable diseases. This is a huge milestone for science and should continue to be researched. However, no matter the benefits stem cell research has and will remain an ethical debate for many years to come. We need to be able to open our mind to all the opportunities that stem cell research could generate instead of automatically jumping to conclusions regarding

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