
The Controversy Over The Ethics Of Stem Cell Research Essay

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The Controversy of Embryonic Stem Cell Research THE 210/04December 2, 2012
There is a debate over the ethics of stem cell research and many people on opposing sides of the issue are not aware of all aspects. In order to intelligently debate the legal and ethical issues regarding stem cell research, one must understand what stem cells are, the applications currently available, and the impact of the research. It is also important to understand the distinction between adult and embryonic stem cells before exploring their uses and impacts Stem cells possess unique properties that make them different from all other cells in the body. Most cells do not have the ability to replicate where stem cells have the potential to multiply indefinitely. Before they have a specific function in the body, stem cells are essentially blank slates. There are two basic types of stem cells, which have different empirical properties and ethical implications.
Researchers successfully attained embryonic stem cells from the embryos of mice in 1981, which led to the discovery of this process in human beings in 1998 (National Institutes of Health, 2001). Embryonic stem cells are derived from an in vitro embryo between five days and seven weeks. Regenerative medicine can benefit greatly from the characteristics of embryonic stem cells. This process enables damaged organs and tissues to heal themselves with the help of implanted stem cells matching the organ (Hunziker, 2010, p. 1). There are two traits

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