
Jesus: A Hero's Journey?

Satisfactory Essays

The answer of Jesus to that bad guy still moves my heart. He could have mentioned all the problems and sins that man had committed before being there, hanged over on that rude cross. He could have explained about the Ten Commandments, showing how far he walked from the living God. He could have done all of these things and he would not be wrong, he would be just telling the truth. However, God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8. Jesus was dying for people like that man. A terrible Sinner.

The answer of Jesus brought about hope not only for that man, but also for all generation to come. At the moment that man confessed his sins, saying, “we are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve”, and recognized Jesus as the lamb of God without sin, saying, “but this man has done nothing wrong”, followed by the recognition of his everlasting reign, when he said “when you come …show more content…

The question is, if he had survived, would he continue living the same life of the past? Would he not be changed after a so real and strong encounter with Jesus?

The answer for this question is this book’s purpose.

Jesus called sinners, not to keep being sinners, but to be sons of God. The exigencies of Jesus are clear throughout the Bible. The act of continuously believing and constantly wishing to change will bring us to Him. As Dr. M. E. Dodd said, “The conversion represents only five percent of Christian life. The ninety-five percent is in the dependence of a life with Christ.” I am not saying that we alone can be transformed, but the willingness to be transformed comes from us. We need to cooperate with God in this process. It endures only for a while.

If we really believe, keep doing what he wants us to do, we will certainly hear the same affirmation that poor, but now so blessed man heard. “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in

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