
Jenny's Breakout: A Case Study

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BACKGROUND: Our client is Jenny Zehringer, her goal is to run the New York marathon on November sixth. Jenny’s current training background consists of running off and on since her twenties. In her twenties she started running 5k’s but she was not very serious about running around that time in her life. Since two thousand BACKGROUND: Five years ago she started to become more serious with running again. She started off with 5K’s then found herself doing her first 10K. Soon after she found herself doing her first half marathon. She completed her first half marathon in Richmond in 2012; she then completed her first full in Richmond in 2014. Her last run was the Shamrock half marathon two weeks ago. CURRENT: Following the shamrock half marathon Jenny has not been doing any physical activity. She recently had many runs and felt as if she needed a break. She says she has lingering pains that start to bother her around the last two weeks of training. She states she has hamstring pain in both of her legs, left Achilles discomfort, and right calf cramping …show more content…

Her running personal records are 1 mile: eight minutes and fifteen seconds, 5k: twenty-seven minutes, 10k: fifty-nine minutes, half marathon: two hours and six minutes and full marathon: four hours and forty-two minutes. After evaluating the client’s scores it is noted that she needs to work on her resistance training because she is currently not doing any resistance training at all. The client’s short-term goal is to experience less soreness and pain when running. She wants to start enjoying running again rather than dreading it. For her mid and long-term goal she wishes to improve her strength and flexibility, while hopefully increasing her running times as well. She would also not mind seeing some weight loss so we could introduce her to some proper eating

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