Community Health Even Paper 1
Many communities come together for health events but not like Utah residents. Many runners from the four corners of the Navajo reservation to Texas, Oregon, Florida, and Nebraska come out to join the ‘Huff to Bluff Marathon.' Not only it is just a marathon but also a qualifier for the ‘Boston Marathon!' This marathon brings together not only the community but shows a rich diversity of cultures, race and environment all thanks to the locals and businesses in Bluff and Blanding, Utah, and commitment from Ryan Heck and Steve Hiatt both sole race directors.
The ‘Huff to Bluff' marathon is sponsored by the local businesses in Blanding and Bluff Utah. Such as ‘Twin Rocks Café, Cottonwood Steakhouse, Patio Drive Inn
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The race has sort of taken on a life of its own.
Even with the financial difficulty. One of the many runners last year quoted "last years' experience was life-changing for her." So many people contribute their time, energy and creativity. It is what keeps the race ongoing and consistent every year. One of my targets is for the proceeds from the race is to cover the expenses. A priority is the course runner safety and to do so is reasonably support them on the course and to provide a great running experience. "I also like the idea of contributing somewhat to the community by providing a health-promoting activity. And I really like the running community. I find them to be a friendly and appreciative people." (Heck, 2017.) With the understanding of the communities and who are living within the communities, the majority is Native Americans. Majority of the Navajo Nation, Natives are diagnosed with diabetes. They are 1.6 times higher in death rate and 110% increase is diagnosed 15-19 years of age on up. Showing and motivating them to come and contribute to the race will hopefully change their lives in some way to become better, healthier and motivated. Many of the young children are diagnosed and helping them would change their future in their culture and keep it strong and going.
In conclusion, the huff to bluff is nothing without the runners and dedication from the sponsors with the love and excitement! What I would have done differently I was
I'm riding in this year's MS150, and would love your support in my fundraising efforts! With your encouragement and support, I was able to ride over 1000 miles and raise over $1000 dollars last year. I hope to get the same encouragement and support from each of you to do even more this year.
The product of the CIBC Run for the Cure is the 1K / 5K run itself. The run satisfies the needs and wants of the consumer and the consumers are the supporter of breast cancer, victims of breast cancer, and families of the victims. CIBC’s true purpose of this event is to spread awareness of breast cancer. CIBC Run for the Cure started with community of 1500 participants, but now there are more than 100,000 participants supporting and donating to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation in order to help those suffering from cancer. The participants illustrate their support through the 1K / 5K run and by the act of wearing pink. This event fosters the positive feelings experiences for both men and women suffering from breast cancer, so they can
Break out that dusty Santa costume or wear the dri-fit half zip, with Santa hat and beard, provided, and take a charitable run at the Santa Hustle run, based at the Wilderness Resort, 190 Gists Creek Road, Sevierville, TN. The Santa Hustle 5k and Half Marathon draws participants from miles around, a very popular winter event. Proceeds go to help the Keep Sevier Beautiful campaign, associated with Keep America Beautiful. They will also be on hand to pick up any recyclables. Additionally, the Marines will be available to pick up for Toys for Tots. Donors can bring an unwrapped toy for this important charity.
Mark your calendars for Sat Jan 28th. NHS will be volunteering at the McKeel Legacy 5k run, Lake Hollingsworth, 8 am. I need your help!!! Thus far, I only have 3 members!
I have been a part of numerous groups throughout my high school FFA career, class officer and my time as a member of 4-H. Many of the groups I have been a part of have been very successful and productive. I am the former president of a 4-H horse club called Trailblazers. We host an annual Ultimate Horsemen’s Challenge Association, UHCA, race as a fundraiser. With great organizational skills, planning and overall politeness when speaking with potential sponsors, Trailblazers has hosted one of the most attended in the entire season for riders in the UHCA circuit. Over the last three years, our number of horse and riders has almost doubled in size, our selection of prizes has expanded thanks to loyal sponsors, and we have such an increase enough
"The non for profits that come out, the scout troops, the college organizations, the volunteer fire departments all rally around the event. It's just a nice way to give back," said Shelia Sutton, Wineglass Marathon Co-Director. Five years ago, the Wineglass Marathon began the tradition of giving back to the community. Since then, nearly $250,000 has been donated to local schools and organizations. This year's largest
Every runner wore a bib number with the time they start on it. As I was running people were passing me who had started after me, and I kept thinking I was going too slow and that I shouldn’t be taking this long to complete it. Through words of encouragement from my mom and decipline mentras from myself I finished the race, I crosses the fanish line and the feeling of triumph as I crossed it was something I’ll never forget.
We are a charitable community holding a different charitable events. There are soldiers which is a long time supporter of our community. However, our community does not hold a charitable event for veterans yet, until it came up to our idea that its time to payback to our soldiers. We desire to help them through running.
The Big Event is where students do not sit, and they do not sleep, and they do not drink caffeine, all in support of these children going through these tough times. My senior year of high school, when I decided to come to the University of Iowa, Dance Marathon raised over $2 million all for the kids. I knew I wanted to be a part of
I want to accomplish this goal in my twenties before I have a family. I want to backpack around Europe to become closer to nature and appreciate the different cultures. I want to explore beyond small-town Iowa.
43 degrees Fahrenheit and realizing I had forgotten my arm warmers and iPod, I recognized the 26.2 miles ahead of me would require some grit. Yet before the starting pistol fired and the recording of Frank Sinatra singing “New York, New York” played, I knew all the preparation done in the months and weeks prior had primed me for a successful finish. There is a mantra in distance running, “the hay is in the barn,” to affirm that all of the training and miles logged up until race day will lead you to success. And it is this mantra which has guided my preparation for a career as a physician assistant.
We raise money that goes towards research for treatments against childhood diseases. My first year I was on the production and marketing committee. We documented important events leading up to the marathon and kept a live stream going through the whole thing as well. My second marathon I joined the hospitality committee. I aided in the search to find local restaurants that would donate food throughout that marathon. The day of the marathon I made sure all the dancers were properly accounted for and received any information they may need. We organized food deliveries and eating times for over 30 different restaurants and 2,000
Whether or not information was shared on the brothers, the larger question remained: why did the brothers radicalize and kill and injure scores of people who were attending the Boston Marathon? Those who make the leap towards terrorism experience varying levels of, anger, passion, or frustration in support of their beliefs. In recent years, rising expectations, fueled by images of affluence and democracy spread by the mass media have provoked feelings of deprivation among many populations, particularly in Africa, Asia, and parts of Eastern Europe. Individuals who become terrorists oftentimes do so because they feel unheard, insignificant, unheard, or not important. Still others follow a cause or group that is misguided and can lead to violent
Sean: That’s great. I was going to tell you that really anybody that you come in contact with that is community minded could help in some way. And we call it the three T's. It's time, talent and treasure. Given that the limit is $400 for this race, a lot of folks that even if they don't have a lot of money they can budget it out over the next you and make that happen. As we're talking about these folks, especially folks that have sat on boards that, are great. When you were involved with United Way, were you ever on the board of United Way?
Healthiness. Fun. Making a change. These are all words that people encounter when they do a color run. In this color run, there will be a bunch of different colors that you throw up into the air! Also, at different spots, life the start, half point, and finish, there will be other colored powder thrown at your/in the air! After or before the run you can buy things such as t-shirts and other fun things to help raise money. Doing this color run will help us raise money and it will help other people make a change. Our color run encourages people to do things that will help make a change in someone’s life, like donating or showing someone some kindness. Then, after you have changed someone’s life, in the smallest or biggest ways, they will hopefully pass it on and make a