
Jennifer Eagan Predictions Chapter 3

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In a Visit from the Goon squad, why does Jennifer Egan set each chapter in a different time, is what some people wonder. Jennifer Eagan uses time change as a way to show how fast life is and to give the reader a connection to the characters as they age. Chapter one takes place in the year of 2008. It introduces Sasha, who steals for an adrenaline rush. She is from New York City, where people steal all the time. But Sasha doesn't steal because she needs the Item. After Sasha stole a woman's purse she quickly said, "I'm sorry, It’s a problem I have. The woman opened the wallet. Her physical relief at having it back coursed through Sasha in a warm rush, as if their bodies had fused. Everything's there, I swear," she said. I didn't even open …show more content…

Eagan skips years in non-chronological order which makes you have to pay deep attention to the novel. In chapter 3 Eagan jumps back to 1979 and introduces a man Named Bennie Salazar and his friends, Scottie and Jocelyn. They are teenagers who are into “doing drugs, partying and rock and roll”. Sasha is Bennie’s assistant and Bennie has a thing for Sasha. Bennie has a low sex drive so he believes to put gold flakes in his coffee will help. “Sasha, brought him coffee: cream and two sugars. He shimmied a tiny red enameled box from his pocket, popped the tricky latch, pinched a few gold flakes between his trembling fingers, and released them into his cup. He'd begun this regimen two months ago, after reading in a book on Aztec medicine that gold and coffee together were believed to ensure sexual potency. Bennie's goal was more basic than potency: sex drive, his own having mysteriously expired.” Later in the book we find out Bennie becomes a successful producer and gets featured in “Spin Magazine”. The time jump can be confusing if you don't pay attention to what you’re reading. Eagan goes ahead years and then goes back to the past years in a single chapter showing a little bit of the future and what life is like for the characters. Eagan could’ve made the time change more clear to the reader as it can be hard to understand what year you’re reading …show more content…

Lou does hardcore drugs and got a friend of Bennie’s, Jocelyn into drugs who was seventeen years old. Lou was seducing her as well. Loue and Jocelyn met when Lou pciked her up when she was stranded with no ride Jocelyn gets clean. “Every night, my mother ticks off another day I've been clean. It's more than a year, my longest yet. Jocelyn, You've got so much life in front of you, she says. And when I believe her, for a minute, there's a lifting over my eyes. Like walking out of a dark

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