
The Goon Squad

Decent Essays

After reading A Visit from the Goon Squad, one cannot simply describe the plot from beginning to end. Where would one even start? You could start with Bennie Salazar, an owner of an independent record label who tries so desperately to hold onto the past. Or, you could ramble on and on about Sasha and how she ended up as a former assistant of Bennie who struggles severely with kleptomania. Another option is to just accept the fact that Jennifer Egan does not want readers to be able to tell her story from beginning to end. She purposely creates a fragmented, non-linear plot that moves out of chronological order, making use of flashbacks and flash-forwards to ensure her readers are active participants throughout the entire story (or stories). This method also helps with creating suspense and character development, …show more content…

Whether it be Rhea, Bennie’s high school friend, who would do anything to speed up time in order to feel comfortable in her own body, or Lou Kline, Bennie’s mentor who becomes overly obsessed with staying young forever, each character has their own personal struggle with the concept of time. As mentioned several times in the novel, “time’s a goon” and as all of us know, goons wait for no one. Time does not care if you are Bennie Salazar and you want to go back to the days where music was played on cassette tapes and 8-tracks. Time also does not care if you are Jocelyn, another one of Bennie’s high school friends, and you want to pause time and go back to your high school days of dating 30 something year old Lou Kline and tell yourself not to get in his car while hitchhiking. Through her novel, Egan does an excellent job of getting the point across that no matter who you are or what you have been through, you cannot freeze time nor stop its ageing process. Through her innovative style of writing, Egan is able provide her readers with their own personal

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