
Jem Finch Character Development

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To Kill a Mockingbird was written by Harper Lee and was published in 1960. This story occurs in the 1930’s. The story is told in first-person participant as told by Scout Finch. The story takes place in Maycomb county Alabama. There are many impotent characters who play a crucial role on the evolution in the story.

There are six main characters who play a role in the development of the story. These six characters are Scout Finch, Jem Finch, Atticus, Tom Robinson, Calpurnia and Boo Radley. Scout Finch is the daughter of Atticus Finch and she is a central character. She is controlling, a genius and is a tom boy. The story would be radically different without her. Jem is Scout’s older brother, he is a teenager, loves football and he takes care …show more content…

The expedition starts with introducing Maycomb county to the reader. Next the book introduces the reader to the Finch family. This is when Scout, Jem and Atticus become central characters. After this the book tells the reader about the Ewell family, they are not such good news. Around the same time Scout, Jem and Dill (their friend) play the Boo Radley game. Conflicts arise in the story when Scout, Jem and Dill start to annoy Boo Radley, their quiet neighbor. Action picks up when Tom Robinson (black man) is arrested for allegedly beating Mayella Ewell (white woman). Atticus Finch is a lawyer in town and he takes on Tom Robinson’s case. To Kill a Mockingbird reaches a climax when Tom Robinson is wrongly convicted of the crime. Atticus made the jury stay out for a while to think about their decision. Ultimately Tom gets convicted, he tried to escape prison but he got shot by the guards. This is a turning point in the story because a lot of people are mad at Atticus, specifically Bob Ewell. Atticus undermined Bob’s character during the trial accusing Bob of committing the crime. The falling action consists of a false sense that things are calming down in the Maycomb community but that all changes when Bob Ewell attacks Scout and Jem on a night near Halloween. He attacks them with a kitchen knife. Boo Radley came to the rescue and killed Bob. During the scuffle, Jem’s arm gets broken in this ordeal. The story ends with an unexpected meeting between two characters. Bob gets stabbed by Boo but Mr. Tate(sheriff) says that Bob fell on his own knife. Mr. Tate does this so Boo does not need to go to court. After overhearing this conversation, Scout decides to walk Boo home and he will never be seen

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