
To Kill A Mockingbird Thesis

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Harper Lee, the author of To Kill A Mockingbird, once said, "Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." Harper Lee is one of the most controversial writers in American literature. To Kill A Mockingbird, which is one of Harper Lee's most famous works, was written in the disillusionment age. In this novel, she implies the racial tensions in this age. Harper Lee was an American writer known for her novel To Kill A Mockingbird (1960). Harper Lee was born on April 28,1926 in Monroeville, Alabama and she died February 19, 2016. She was the daughter of Amasa Coleman Lee, whom she symbolized as the lawyer in her novel. Lee studied law at the University of Alabama, but left to live …show more content…

After she received financial aid from her friends in New York, she had an editor help transform a series of short stories into To Kill A Mockingbird. This novel is characterized as a southern drama. The novel To Kill A Mockingbird takes place in Maycomb, Alabama from 1933 - 1935. The novel is written in the perspective of a young girl named Jean Louise Finch, who is the daughter of Atticus Finch. It is based on the defense of a African American man, Tom Robinson, who is convicted of rape by Bob Ewill. Atticus Finch was the Lawyer who was trying to defend Tom Robinson in his case. The lawyer is inspired by Lee's real-life parent who was an actual lawyer. Many of the characters Lee placed in the novel were based on her real-life friends and family she knew. Soon after Atticus Finch defended his client, the man was found guilty and sparked a lot of controversy. Then Tom Robinson was sent to jail after, Jem finds out that he was shot after trying to escape from jail. After, Jem starts to threaten Atticus and other people that were connected to the trial.Then, Bob Ewill assaults Scout and Jem when they are walking home and Radley saves them by stabbing Ewill. Knowing that Radley would be sent to jail and found guilty, the sheriff said that Ewill tripped and fell on his knife. In the end, that was the last time the children ever saw Radley. This novel received a Pulitzer Prize and was made a film …show more content…

During this time period, there was a lot of racial tension about African Amercian rights in The United States. In To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee wrote about how race can affect the way people look at a certain person just because of their skin color. Bob Ewill convicted Tom Robinson of raping his daughter because he was African American. Atticus took the case and strongly defended Tom Robinson. Atticus thought that there should be equality in any

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