
Jane's Strengths And Weaknesses

Satisfactory Essays

Summary of Needs and Strengths
Summary of Jane’s strengths and needs.
Strengths: ➢ Enthusiastic/persistent learner.
➢ Confident socially
Needs Academically:
➢ Transferring knowledge to different contexts.
➢ Lacks confidence to participate in whole class activities.
➢ Reluctant to read unfamiliar text in different fonts.
➢ Working cooperatively with others is a challenge
➢ Understanding the communication of others.
➢ Conflict resolution skills.
➢ Needs assistance with tracking when reading.
Learning preferences ➢ Music and movement.
➢ Imaginative play.
➢ Nature and outdoors.

5. Summary of Action
Summary of Strengths/Needs/Learning Preferences Recommended Action
1. Enthusiastic and persistent …show more content…

Enjoys using iPads and face timing family • Include incursion from Queensland Performing Arts Centre. Strengthen integration of numeracy, English and music, when developing a program.
• Personalise program to include learning through imaginative play (ACARA, 2016b).
• Use age appropriate natural materials in numeracy (Foreman & Arthur-Kelly, 2014). Develop integrated programs based on animals, nature, beaches, and insects (Foreman & Arthur-Kelly, 2014, p. 515).
• iPads in the classroom for motivation, learning and communication.
Academic Needs
1. Limited success with numeracy (possible Dyscalculia)
2. Reluctant to read unfamiliar text in different fonts. • Assess and observe numeracy skills for a clearer picture of needs. Use age appropriate material, uncluttered worksheets and encourage drawing to help with problem solving (Vella, 2017).
• Use different font to label items, exposing Jane to simple different fonts in familiar contexts.
Social/emotional Needs
1. Working cooperatively with others.
2. Understanding the communication of others. • Encourage positive interactions through cooperative learning and self-regulation strategies (Foreman & Arthur-Kelly, 2014, p.235)
• Suggest joining local Surf Live Saving Club, Saddle

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