
Jane Elliot Fixed Mindset

Decent Essays

Eduardo Briceno described two types of mindsets that can either enhance or hinder a person’s growth. I believe both terms of fixed and growth mindsets hold much validity in today’s society. We can see how children are affected by parents’ praise or how children perform differently from encouragement in the school. The same is true for someone like myself who’s in her 20’s. My beliefs are more consistent with the growth mindset, because my psychology courses have given me bounds of evidence that your perspective can change how you succeed. I know how important it is to have a positive perspective. One example that comes to mind is Jane Elliot’s “Blue eyes-Brown eyes” exercise. This study displayed how children would do poorly in school if they were told people with a different eye color were better. The children that were told they would do poorly did just that because they internalized the information and got stuck in the perspective that they would always do terribly. …show more content…

I will have negative self-talk that keeps me in the perspective that I cannot do better with practice or by studying for the exam. I would tell myself things such as “You can’t learn that much information.” This shows fixed mindset, because I felt as though I had nothing new to learn and couldn’t change my fate. This would cause to want to take easier courses the next semester. The same is for growth mindset when I feel confident in my abilities when taking an exam. I feel that I have taken the initiative to do well and want to challenge myself. This also helps me to feel motivated to try new opportunities. Last semester I had three jobs while taking 15 credits. I learned a lot about myself and am proud by the obstacles I

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