
James's Change In The Treatment, By Suzanne Young

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In the book, The Treatment by Suzanne Young, the main character, James, changed over the course of the book due to stress of staying away from ´The Program´. Before, James had so much stress of being of the run he had many good character traits. For example, the begging of the book shows he's caring, ¨James only smiles at her, smoothing her hair.¨ (Young 39) This piece of evidence shows he is caring because he choice to take care of Lacey when her nose started to bleed instead of leave her alone. He could´ve just left her alone, but instead he cared for her and waited until she was better to leave. This proves he's caring because he stayed and cared for Laceyś health until she was all better. A lot of other´s passed by her without saying …show more content…

So, his emotions changed due to the amount if stress thi put him in. On page 91 Young states, ¨You're wasting your time. She doesn't love me. I don't love her. Sure, we sleep together sometimes, but that should be expected.¨ When James said this he was under a truth serum making the whole story come out. Maybe if he didn't have so much reassure of keeping her alive on him he wouldnńt of felt this way. However, he did. This piece of evidence shows he has lost hope. he would've done anything for Sloane and now he only wants to use her. Early in the book, he would never said anything like that because he poured his heart and soul into her. However, now, he doesn't care and he just wants everything to go away proving that he has lost all hope for his life with Sloane. Also, as the story goes on James´s actions get worse. He begins to go mad. ¨James is swinging at whatever he can hit¨ (Young 118). James gets so mad at Realm for trying to help Sloane, so against Sloane´s will he goes off and tries to kill him causing much caoisosuse for all the characters. In the beginning of the book, he would´ve never done something against Solane´s will, but now with everything that´s going on in his life; he´s gone mad with anger. This evidence shows he's angry because he was swinging and hitting anything he could get his hands on, even if it was Solane who he said he loved. Throughout the book, the readers can really see that James has developed a lot of negative traits, such as loss of hope and

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