
Jamaica Kincaid A Small Place

Decent Essays

A Small Place Analytical Essay

Jamaica Kincaid’s text A Small Place, is structured in four untitled sections. In the first section, we hear Kincaid’s narration of how the reader would feel going to Antigua, as a hypothetical tourist. She tells us what we she, how we witness the beautiful natural island. She then; proceeds through the text to give us some ‘inside’ information, like how the majority of the cars are imported from Japan, and are expensive and poorly running. She also tells or gives us brief views, of the mansions located on the island, which was made through criminality or corruption. She mentions a library, which took damage from an earthquake many years ago, and that it is awaiting to be repaired. Our ‘tour’ ends at the hotel, …show more content…

These questions are about if she thinks, that the island actually was better in the old days as a colonial. She starts talking about the old damaged library again, and how it has been forced to be moved on top of a store. Kincaid then, starts missing the old library as it was, and recalled her sitting and reading in the beautiful library as a child. Also, she remembers that the librarian suspected her stealing, but that he’s now trying to collect funds to rebuild the old library. She then, tells that the wealthy members of the Mill Reef club, have more than enough money to help rebuild it, but won’t do so. Kincaid then, briefly talks about some of the politics of Antigua, as an example, how ironic it is that there’s a minister of culture in Antigua, while she doesn’t think there’s an original culture left. After this, she shortly talks about the education level of Antigua, and that it has been worsened over the years, so much that the youth don’t really know how to speak proper.
Kincaid examines the way Antiguans encounter the progression of time, and associates this to their strangely withdrew perspective of the defilement of their

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