
How Did Jackie Robinson Affect Society

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“Jackie Robinson will always be remembered for his awesome mental toughness. It was incredible how he was able to perform at such a high level on the field while handling the daily insults directed at him… These insults included not only the worst names imaginable” (Ringer)
Jackie Robinson was one of the first African Americans to be drafted into the MLB despite the segregation African Americans faced during this time period.
Jackie Robinson was a strong influencing African American figure during the social movement to end segregation and was an inspiration for young blacks in the era. Even his own teammates were racist to him everyday due to the him being African American so he never got a mental abuse .“Jackie became one of the earliest — and perhaps most influential — dignified black activists. I say dignified,because he wasn’t divisive, he didn’t lead any riots, he didn’t call for violence against anyone, and he never displayed any hatred toward whites...In other words, Jackie …show more content…

Robinson was sworn to secrecy… The announcement indeed caused a sensation throughout America, but was widely applauded in the press.” (Rubinstein). It was a big social movement when Jackie was drafted and it obtained wanted and unwanted media.”Following Rickey's lead, some Major League clubs were quick to integrate, with the Dodgers having four or five blacks on their roster by the mid-1950s. “ (Rubinstein).Robinson faced tremendous racial discrimination throughout his career, from baseball fans and some fellow players. Additionally, Jim Crow laws prevented Robinson from using the same hotels and restaurants as his teammates while playing in the South ”

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