
JC Penney's New Image

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The article JC Penney’s new image: Why the Re-Branding will be successful is about how the store JC Penney hires Rob from Apple to help their brand regain the trust of their customers. The article talks about how the business should be as simple as it can be for the customer because if it is simple to shop, purchase and understand what JC Penney is trying to do these customer will most likely come back and shop again for example the article talks about how JC Penney offered 590 sales and 99% of costumers ignored this because they didn’t understand so Rob changed it to 12 simplifying the sale this brought in more customers do to how easy it was for the consumers to understand. Also if the company’s goal is easy for the public to understand it can help gain customers trust back. The righter talks about how Rob is changing the company and what will happened form those changes some of the changes are how the cloths are organized by brand instead of size because most costumer already have brand in mind to purchase so it make it easier for them to find the clothing they want rather than how it was organized before all in size order making it harder to find brands. Also the article goes on to talk about the three tier s of pricing …show more content…

Secondly I learned bigger doesn’t always mean better JC Penney had a big sale on 590 products but it confused the public and when it got downsized to only 12 it brought in more business. Lastly when trying to sell to public keep all product organized by what is being shopped for an example would be when JC Penney had all product organized by size making it difficult to find brands so Rob had it changed to different sections of the store are different brands making customers much more happy wither shopping experiences and quicker to find

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