The article JC Penney’s new image: Why the Re-Branding will be successful is about how the store JC Penney hires Rob from Apple to help their brand regain the trust of their customers. The article talks about how the business should be as simple as it can be for the customer because if it is simple to shop, purchase and understand what JC Penney is trying to do these customer will most likely come back and shop again for example the article talks about how JC Penney offered 590 sales and 99% of costumers ignored this because they didn’t understand so Rob changed it to 12 simplifying the sale this brought in more customers do to how easy it was for the consumers to understand. Also if the company’s goal is easy for the public to understand it can help gain customers trust back. The righter talks about how Rob is changing the company and what will happened form those changes some of the changes are how the cloths are organized by brand instead of size because most costumer already have brand in mind to purchase so it make it easier for them to find the clothing they want rather than how it was organized before all in size order making it harder to find brands. Also the article goes on to talk about the three tier s of pricing …show more content…
Secondly I learned bigger doesn’t always mean better JC Penney had a big sale on 590 products but it confused the public and when it got downsized to only 12 it brought in more business. Lastly when trying to sell to public keep all product organized by what is being shopped for an example would be when JC Penney had all product organized by size making it difficult to find brands so Rob had it changed to different sections of the store are different brands making customers much more happy wither shopping experiences and quicker to find
Penney. In 1913, the company was incorporated under the new name, JC Penney Company. JC Penney is one of the largest veteran retail chain in American which has 110-year-old. The highest sales at all-time was $32.5 billion and the company occupies a large share of market in department stores. Then the market changed, the shopper has spent less time at the mall and more time at the discount store, like Walmart and Target. At the beginning, JC Penny did not find this problem, since 2005, the sales had
in the coming future. OVERALL SUMMARY 1) JC Penney should conduct an experimental research in order to enhance its performance in the future. 2) JC Penney's most immediate goal is to maintain its present customer base and to attract new clients. They can do so by introducing higher-scale brands to their stores in order to attract another category of customers, in other words, customers who are drawn to premium brands. Therefore, JC Penney's brand image will be enhanced; its reputation will be improved
geographical location in which the company operates, and describes their purpose and direction. J.C Penney’s mission statement is not effective. Their mission statement is expressed in bullet points, which does not serve as a formal summary. A
offered in-store credit cards in 1959, and acquired The Treasury discount stores in 1962. By 1963 it issued its first catalog, expanded to Alaska and Hawaii, acquired Thrift Drug and by 1969 was a major feature in most American cities. By James Penney's death in 1971, the company had revenues of over $5 billion and peaked with 2,053 stores in 1973. Continuing on an acquisition mode, the company purchased First National Bank of Harrington, Delaware and began offering its own Visa and MasterCard,
Company Profile JC Penney is an American department store chain with 1,095 locations throughout the United States. In the latter half of the 20th century, shopping malls became very popular and most of the company’s stores were situated in the downtown areas, they followed the trend of developing more stores in the shopping malls to attract customers and increase the financial profitability of the company. Conversely, JC Penney had freestanding stores, and was able to get consumer traffic which helped
JC Penney Case Study MBA 503 March 28, 2013 Background JC Penney is one of only a handful of one hundred year old plus companies in the United States. Founded in 1902 by James Cash Penney, the company has grown into a major retailer, with 1,104 stores and approximately 116,000 employees as of February 2013. The company sells merchandise and services through its department stores and website, Their product mix includes clothing and shoes, accessories, jewelry, home furnishings and
JC Penny is an American departmental store chain; it has 1095 locations in the 49 states of U.S. In the latter half of the 20th century, shopping malls became very popular and most of the company’s stores were situated in the downtown areas, they followed the trend by developing more stores in the shopping malls to attract customers and increase the financial profitability of the company. In the 20th century, JC Penny chain has got the attention of customers, its freestanding stores have got the
giving incentives to customers to get them to shop at their stores. These include buying clubs and a gift registry service. Sears is a corporation who's CEO is Arthur Martinez. He has turned the company around in most recent years. Sears has adopted new more relaxed policies on employee relations. The employees have gone from conservative dress codes to "business casual" although they still "suit up" when meeting clients. ( Sears has also 4 implemented flextime and has
Feinstein Graduate School AN ANALYSIS OF JC PENNY’S AND HOW IT RELATES TO COMPETITION WITHIN THE RETAILING INDUSTRY A Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the MBA Degree Course: MGMT 6800 MAY 9th, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 COMPANY PROFILES 4 1. JC Penney 4 Strategy initiative 4 Mission…………………………………………………………….. 5 2.KOHL’S………………………..………… ………..……………………5
Other competitors would include JC Penney, Target, and Eddie Bauer. Sears is in a very competitive retail environment. JC Penny and Sears have been competitors for many years. They are both currently targeting the teen market to buy their jeans by gearing their advertising toward them. While both JC Penney’s and Sears are considered department stores, Wal-Mart is considered a variety store and this is what
In 2011 when Ron Johnson was appointed CEO for J.C. Penney, his plans were to transform the stores image and brand. Under Johnson, J.C. Penney’s would go through a dialectical theory concept of change. According to Gill Hickman (2010), “…dialectical theory, change occurs when people responsible for existing organizational values, goals, or modes of operation encounter opposition form people whose opposing perspectives gain adequate power to challenge the status quo resulting in the creation of
Sunday which has drawn much customer interest to the company. The new unique layout of the stores that Ron Johnson is pushing through will make the stores easier to navigate through. Customers will also have a unique experience from any other store with the additions of “Town Squares” and “Main Streets” into all stores. J.C. Penney is an old company and so people are familiar it, which will give it a step up when advertising its new retailing approach. With consistent prices, J.C. Penney will not
Fair and Square Retail Strategic Analysis: JC Penny Professor Maria Kalamas MKTG 4300/01 Basic Retailing- Spring 2012 Team Shopaholics Anonymous Vaughan Alexander | Marshall Gingles | Sean Lehnherr | Aftiam Ramli | Juan Torres Table Of Contents Introduction 01 Multipart Analysis of the Retailing Mix Customers 04 Customer Service
next three to five years. Macy’s company background Macy’s is one of the oldest enterprises in the United States, based retail chain of departmental stores. ( It was founded by Rowland H.Macy on 14th Street and 6th Avenue in New York City in 1858 with the name of R.H. Macy & Co. The corporate headquarters are located in Cincinnati, OH. Lately, the company was bought by Isidor Straus and Nathan Straus. Macy’s grew from its meager beginning into America’s department store. In
Macy’s Integrated Marketing Plan Executive Summary Macy’s Inc. is a well-established, historic and profitable company that is known as a quality yet affordable department store. Macy’s is an American icon; therefore our objective is not to change this image, but to modify it to appeal to a more youthful market. With our main objective in mind, we have proposed an Integrated Marketing Campaign that is geared towards our target market of young adults. By choosing alternate forms of media that appeal