
J Alfred Prufrock Tone

Decent Essays

“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”
Paper Assignment – Close Reading

In T.S. Eliot’s 1915 modernist poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”, the overall mood and tone in the poem reflect the speaker’s opinions of the time it was written in. An interesting way to look at this poem is to assume that the author used the character of Alfred Prufrock to explore his own attempt of trying to make sense of the rapidly changing, confusing, and gloomy world in which he lived. So, we can safely assume that trying to make sense of the outside world is a recurring motif in this poem. This can be seen by looking at both the poem as a whole, as well as the quote chosen for analysis.
By choosing to use nature imagery, such as “Combing the white hair of the waves blown back”, the author depicts the speaker’s need to retreat to nature in order to seek a peaceful spot to reflect on his choices and try to …show more content…

This evokes feelings of deep empathy in the reader by making him or her better understand Prufrock’s state of mind at the moment. Moreover, this entire stanza in which there is a beach and mermaids which are singing at each other rather than the speaker, has a very melancholic tone, which is in compliance with the overall gloomy and melancholic tone of this poem. When the speaker says: “And indeed there will be time / To wonder, “Do I dare?” and, “Do I dare?”/”, we get a sense that the mysterious object of romantic interest he refers to does not actually know how the speaker feels about them. We also get a sense that the speaker is anxious that if he, in fact, expresses his feelings, he might be rejected. The following verses are linked to the speaker’s fears of rejection “I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. / I do not think they’re singing at me.”. With this, we actually get a glimpse into the unconscious mind of the speaker. We

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