
Issues of Cultural Diversity and Diet

Decent Essays

Cultural Diversity-African American Diet
In the present time the African American culture changed quite a bit in being removed from where they as a people originated or should I say their homeland from whence they came. African American people are a people who are influenced tremendously from their fore fathers and mothers who lived in the southern part of the United States. The nomenclature for this group is to include African American, Black Americans or people of color. I prefer to use African American at this time since I am preferably writing about my own cultural background. The food habits of African Americans originated and resolved around food. They are a society who are based around religious ceremonies and celebrations to …show more content…

Unfortunately this tends to lead to a lot of obesity among them. A lot of the problem is contributed to the many celebrations that we celebrate with foods that just throw caution to the wind so to speak. How ever, people are not all alike and everyone, believe it or not is different especially when it come to culture. Each culture is bought up different. How they socialize depends entirely on their cultural upbringing which includes religion, education and even sexual orientation. With the nature of variations in each cultural group we should never be generalized or taken for granted that the characteristics apply to all individuals of one cultural group. The diversity of cultural eating is a main issue in America.

Jones, Paul. The Blackhealth Library Guide to Heart Disease and Hypertension, Henry Holt and Company, Inc, New York,

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