ISFJ Personality strengths and weaknesses NOTES Strengths ISFJs are a reliable loyal person and you can count on them to do what’s right. They will always be there for you no matter what happens. They have a good amout of patients. We are very observant and can put there mind to anything. Another thing good about ISFJs is that they keep at something even if they fail. They may stop at anytime. But they keep going. Isfjs are one of the most enthusiastic when the goal is right they aim for it. Isfjs have good practical skills which means when a routine needs to be done they see the harmony and beauty to it because it either helps them family or friends. Weaknesses ISFJs are
King Tutankhamen better known as King Tut lived around 1341-1323 B.C. in Ancient Egypt. King Tut became the youngest Egyptian pharaoh at the age of 9 years old. Tut ruled in the period known as the New Kingdom. The New Kingdom was during the Eighteenth, Nineteenth, and Twentieth Dynasties. After the Twentieth Dynasty Ancient Egypt came to an end when the last Ramasess died. There is no for sure answer on how Ancient Egypt ended but many believe there was a drought.
From the MBTI test, I got the INFJ personality. The energy comes from me, so I can drive, lead my future employees to achieve on the strategic plan of the organization and know how to develop employees’ skills. Also, I understand, care other’ feeling and have an empathy to others. This will help to learn and help people to have a work life balance. People should have work life balance because they may less stress on their jobs and life. They will well perform on their responsibilities.
Jane informed me that she ranked in the top of her class, and she always takes care of her academics before worrying about her extracurricular activities. Her peers said she is always caring, responsible, and a great leader. Jane completed the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test, and her results were exactly what she expected. Her type was ESFJ and she scored 9% extravert, 19% sensing, 22% feeling, and 22% judging. It says that these type of people are generous entertainers, enjoy being in charge, delegate easily, and is willing to provide service. Jane revealed that she often gives her time to others and wears her emotions on her sleeves. She really enjoyed reading about the self-development and careers for people of her type. On the multiple intelligences test, Jane scored highest in interpersonal. Her next highest multiple intelligences scores were logical, kinesthetic, and
are able to work directly with the patient, having the time to do research and teach patients about
Excellent analytical and multilingual communication skills with a proven ability to excel in challenging and complex environments. Thrives in high-quality provision of patient-centered care environments while adhering to efficient and productive evidence-based processes.
According to the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), I am an ISTJ personality this means that I am an Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging person. ISTJ are very faithful, loyal and dependable. We are also reserved people who are interested in a secure and quiet life. ISTJ’s place importance in being honesty and can be trusted to do the right thing for their families and friends. There are some weaknesses to being an ISTJ personality we are stubborn, insensitive, and judgmental. This test is amazing it really nailed my personality.
ENFJs are described as warm, compassionate, and supportive, as well as loyal and trustworthy. These are all words that I would describe myself as, my most important characteristic being my loyalty in friendship. My type description also proclaims that I am “highly attuned to others; their empathy enables [me] to quickly understand emotional needs, motivations, and concerns.” No other description of me could be truer. My whole life, I have been quickly able to understand others, and even know that they are upset before they tell me so. Another handout describes ENFJs as having an intense caring about people.
The label of ESFJ is one that I am accepting. There are many positive attributes and as there are negatives. An ESFJ can develop negatively and can be prone to being quite insecure. They might also focus all of their attention on pleasing others; this can include a very controlling or overly sensitive nature.
Healthcare has long been considered as the domain of the medical profession community and now a revolution of different sorts has taken place in the medical field over the last two decades. As consumers have taken a more proactive role in their own healthcare by searching for a lot of health information online, shopping for physicians, seeking second opinions, self-medicating through over-the counter medications and health food supplements, and inquiring about or pushing physicians to prescribe certain medications f
We worked symbiotically with -------. The level of trust and competence establishes your autonomy. Most importantly the overall patient interaction is more intimate much like my experiences out in the field. We create a bond more so than the nurses flooded with patients and the doctors who couldn’t even tell you the patient's eye color he just talked to. I would watch as he examine and joke with the patient to ease their concerns. Even after 20 years in the ER he would go out of his way for a patient in need whether it was extra samples for a struggling family in need or comforting an inmate who was terrified of getting stitches. Much like myself he treated every patient as if they were family. I know I will exemplify his and my passion not only within the hospital walls but also as an ambassador for our profession as we continue to advance the
Each type has unique gifts and talents that can be used in different occupations. ISFJ personalities are practical and motivated to provide for others in the careers that they choose. The ideal work environment for this personality type is to work alone on projects, work with known facts, use standard procedures, work in a friendly and relaxed environment. Careers that are suggested for someone with the ISFJ personality are interior decorators, nurses, administrators, managers, child care professionals, counselors, paralegals, religious workers, shopkeepers and office managers. Personally, I want to work in the Biotechnology field developing cures for sick children and adults. I would love to find the cure for cancer and lyme disease. If I can make a difference in someone’s life I will then be satisfied with what I do for a living.
This marketing plan aims at providing the direction guidelines for launching the new service – Jjimjilbang (汗蒸幕) in Hong Kong. Firstly, macro and micro-environment analysis is done to evaluate the relevant market. The possibility of launching the new services is also considered through SWOT summary. From the marketing research, customers highly accept this innovative concept of service. The target customers are mainly the youngsters. Jjimjilbang also positions themselves as providing high variety services at a fair price compared with competitors. Value-based pricing strategy and convenient location are also suggested in the marketing plan. To facilitate the promotion, different approaches, such as sales promotion, event and online marketing, are proposed. It is valuable to launch the business of traditional Korean spa – Jjimjilbang in Hong Kong.
The INFJ personality is known to be the world rarest personality type and often misunderstood. This type stand for a percentage of less than 2% of the overall world population according to Holm (2009), the majority of that percentage being female and some famous INFJ that can be named are Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa. My INFJ in academic and business milieu: from the past week assignment, my preferred four letters chosen base on the instructions received from Myers-Briggs type indicator were INFJ, which stands for Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling and Judging. For this week assignment I was very surprise after taking the Jungian test to discover that my personality type fours letter were confirmed to be the same INFJ. Having my conformed INFJ profile means that in business milieu, my creativity and sense of responsibility come in first. Although as an INFJ I’m strongly introverted, I nevertheless highly care about my relationship with other individuals. At work I’m open to communication and always available when it comes to help colleagues to carry out on tasks or explaining work procedures. However, my personality type also implies that I can have sudden need for personal time away from others, which is my way to recharge and regain my energy. In an academic milieu, I’m more focus on setting and reaching my goals; I get motivated by planning in advance my studying weeks and do a lot of efforts to meet my assignment deadlines. I can get emotionally
INFJ is extremely private. True. As an INFJ, we tend not to open up about every part or our life. We would rather keep it on our minds and try not to talk too much about it to the other people. Trusting a new friend can be challenging for us.
In the ISFJ personality the letter “I” represented me being an introvert. Introverts tend to be more closed in and often think about things before acting on them. Introverts would choose reading a book over hanging out with friends. Introverts, like myself, prefer alone time more often than others. I show this common characteristic very often. A lot of my family and friends often worry that I am too introverted and should get out more. In my career, I have always enjoyed one on one task versus group assignments. I always took pride in completing my tasks alone and in a timely and accurate manner. Introvert is a definite fit for my personality. "Good introductory paragraph