
Personal Narrative: My Experience From Student To EMT

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No sound strikes more fear and excitement in a firefighters heart, than when the screeching of an alarm echoes through the fire station. Those emotions intensify as we race to the ambulance as vague details of the call crackle over the radio. In those moments it is vital to compose yourself and harness those emotions and channel them into -------. As I sat at the station one night studying for an exam I had the next morning, the alarm began to ring out. In an instant I went from student to EMT and began on one of my most memorable calls. As dispatch relayed the details of single vehicle rollover with multiple passengers, we began to develop a plan. As we approached the scene we were instantly outnumbered 1 paramedic, myself and 4 injured. …show more content…

In that time I was working a full and part time job to help my mother out while she was on disability. In those years I had no idea what I wanted to do and lacked the passion that now drives me. I knew I needed college to be successful but I also knew I was the only one bringing income in for my family. My academics took a backseat for extra shifts and taking care of mother when she was ill. As I left my exam, I remembered that mother from the accident and how I couldn’t of taken care of her if I hadn't taken of myself and emotions. I had failed to do that with my own mother and academics when I started college. I still work a full and part time job as an EMT while pursuing my prereqs for PA school but my passion to become a PA has transformed my lackluster grades into making the dean's …show more content…

We worked symbiotically with -------. The level of trust and competence establishes your autonomy. Most importantly the overall patient interaction is more intimate much like my experiences out in the field. We create a bond more so than the nurses flooded with patients and the doctors who couldn’t even tell you the patient's eye color he just talked to. I would watch as he examine and joke with the patient to ease their concerns. Even after 20 years in the ER he would go out of his way for a patient in need whether it was extra samples for a struggling family in need or comforting an inmate who was terrified of getting stitches. Much like myself he treated every patient as if they were family. I know I will exemplify his and my passion not only within the hospital walls but also as an ambassador for our profession as we continue to advance the

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