
Is The Glass Half-Empty Or Half-Full?

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Is the glass half-empty or half-full? An age old question that is more of a personality question rather than just an opinion. Many people see the glass half empty, but should it actually be seen as half-full? When someone faces any sort of conflict, they can approach it in many different ways. Some methods work better than others, but one way has the most beneficial results. Facing conflict with optimism inspires others, has health benefits, and is easier for the person to deal with the problem.
Having an optimistic attitude inspires others to be hopeful. There are many resources that show having a hopeful attitude makes people around them feel more comfortable. Winston Churchill wrote a speech convincing the citizens of Great Britain that they needed to remain confident in him and their government that the war could be won. He started by describing how hard Great Britain was going to work to defeat the evils …show more content…

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