
Is Participation A Effective Level Of Power Between Both Age Groups?

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"Participation is a process where someone influences decisions about their lives and this leads to change." (Treseder, 1997) Participation is the process of ensuring that children’s voices are consistently listened to and interpreted to conclude in the best possible result to benefit the child. It also ensures that children feel supported by adults and that they feel they are an actively vocal and a listened to member of society. It is crucial for adults to constantly encourage children, within school and the wider community, to share their opinions and feelings whilst creating the suitable, happy, and comfortable environment to do so. A major issue impacting upon adult - child relationships is power. Having a balanced, effective level of power between both age groups is essential to build connections and reinforce participation.Having an imbalance of power can have negative effects on both ends of the scale. When adults have too much power the child may feel isolated and excluded from decisions that impact on their lives and potentially their futures, They can become less independent and can perhaps feel they have no one to talk to or may feel scared to approach adults about any issues. However, When children have to much power and freedom to choose what they want, then this could potentially all be a bit to much for them as they may not understand how to fully exercise this power and get the best results in the long term. Some decisions should always be made by adults as

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