
Is Hamlet Angry With His Father's Father

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From Uncle to Stepfather & From Mother to Auntie
In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the main character is angry and expressed his anger through the medium of allusion. An allusion refers to a mythological person, place, or thing. Many things around the city of Denmark are changing for the worse. Hamlet is angry with his mother because he fills betrayed that she would merry another man after two months of his father’s death. The allusion Hamlet expresses those feeling is when he said, “With which she followed my poor father’s body, / Like Niobe, all tears. Why she ever she –” (1.2.148-149). Hamlet is comparing his mother to Niobe. Niobe is a woman who turned into a stone and weeps for her fourteen children, which Hamlet’s mother only cries for his father for only two months. Hamlet’s expression of his mother shows the reader that she is a gold digger and was not truly in love otherwise she would have grief longer. Furthermore, these lines can only mean that he was the only person who truly care and loved the ex-king of Denmark. Meanwhile the others had already forgotten about him. All in all, Hamlet though that maybe his mother would be more impacted by the death of the King, but instead traded him up for his Uncle. Moreover, Hamlet was in denial that his Uncle was going to be the king and his new father. For him, the only true king was his father and no more. As he said, “So excellent a king, that was to his / Hyperion to a satyr” (1.2.139-140). Shakespeare used this

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