
Is Friar Lawrence To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death?

Satisfactory Essays

Romeo and Juliet. Who’s to blame for Romeo and Juliets Death? Friar Lawrence is the blame for Romeo and Juliets death because Friar Lawrence kept Romeo and Juliets marriage a secert,Friar Lawrence delievered the message sent by Friar John and didn’t suceed,and also Friar Lawrence didn’t want to face the consequences for Romeo and Juliets death. First,The whole entire time Friar Lawrence knew about Romeo and Juliets wedding,he agreed to marry them and he shouldn’t have agreed to marry Romeo and Juliet in the first place he thought he was gonna end the family fued,the Friar had the couple to see each other without the parents permission thinking everything was gonna work out fine. Next,Friar Lawrence had Friar John to deliver the message but

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