
Who Is To Blame For Friar Lawrence's Death

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Some people would say Friar Lawrence is at fault for the death of the lovers. Romeo is the true reason for the deaths because he pushed and manipulated Friar Lawrence to marry them. First Friar Lawrence was starting to say no to marrying Romeo and Juliet, for they only like each other for the looks “So soon forsaken? Young men’s love then lies, not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes.” (Shakespeare II.iii. 71-72). See also Then after Romeo manipulated him “And bad’st me bury love.” Shakespeare II.iii. 88. The syllable of the syllable. Telling Friar to bury his own feelings and focus on Romeo, which then makes Friar Lawrence agree to marry them because he felt pressured and pushed, “But come, young waverer, come, go with me. In one respect

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