
Is Christianity True

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Christianity is not just a religion; it is a relationship with God. (1cor13:1-2) Many people believe in Christianity but at the same time many do not believe in Christianity. Is Christianity real or not? Well yes Christianity is true because of these three points. First Christianity is real because it can be only as true as Jesus. Secondly, evidence shows that Christianity is real through God’s inspiration in the Bible and in recorded history. Third all other religions are both unreliable and inconsistent to their own teachings. Christianity is real because it can be only as true as Jesus. In which Jesus is real because most notably roman historians like Flavius Josephus and Cornelius Tacitus compare Christian accounts of Jesus' life with …show more content…

History and archaeology confirm that the Bible is true. Prophesies from the Bible have been fulfilled through all the books inspired by God. Prophecies about Jesus being born of a virgin in Isaiah 7:14 and was fulfilled in Matthew 1:18,25. In Micah 5:2, God said His birthplace would be in Bethlehem and this was fulfilled in Matt. 2:1. Preceded by a messenger in Isaiah 40:3, which was fulfilled in Matt. 3:1-2. Jesus’ side was pierced in Zech. 12:10, and shown as fulfilled in John 19:34. Therefore, the prophecy was told that He would be crucified in Psalm 22:1, 11-18, and His crucifixion was fulfilled in John 19:23-24. Is Christianity real? Did it all really happen? It may seem like nothing more than a story from beyond, and may feel that it is just too complicated to comprehend and even hard for people living in the 21st century to believe that these events took place. However, Christian faith and beliefs, unlike any other religion are based upon complete historical events, including the most important of all, when Jesus Christ died and rose to life. Christianity is a not a myth or a fraud. In 1 Corinthians 15:14, Paul encourages his readers to grab hold of this central truth, that “if Christ did not rise, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain." The Bible teaches that the resurrection is the key to establishing that Jesus is indeed who He claims to …show more content…

This is shown to be true because Buddah did not rise from the dead, nor did Confusious or Zoroaster. Mohammad did not fulfill any detailed prophecy. Alexander the Great did not raise the dead or heal the sick. There was less reliable information written about them and with that being said, people still believe in them. Mormons teach that there are many gods and that a person can become a god. Christianity teaches us that there is only one God and no one can become a god. Christianity teaches that God was born as Jesus, a man in the flesh and Islam teaches that Jesus is not God in flesh--Jesus cannot be both God and not God at the same time. Other religions teach that we can be reincarnated, while others do not. Some religions teach that there is a literal hell, while others teach that hell is not real. They cannot all be true. If they cannot all be true, it cannot be true that all religions lead to God. Furthermore, this means that all other religions are indeed false in their claims to show the one true God (or gods). Remember, truth does not contradict itself. God exists and He will not put forth an exclusive and contradictory belief systems in an attempt to get people to believe in Him. He wants us to believe and trust Him without trying to convince us too. God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33). Therefore, it is rational to

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