
Introductory Psychology Assignment

Good Essays

Mikayla Cael
Introductory Psychology Section 1
Writing Assignment 1: Psychology and Science Science can be defined as the activity surrounding the study of how something works through observation and experiment. Knowing what science is, psychology is a science. Psychology is the study of the mind and how it works, scientifically. Psychology is tested through experiments and is based on theories and hypotheses. It can be proven, but like all other sciences, it can be falsifiable. Also like other sciences, psychology follows the scientific method. Psychologists have a problem based on a theory and come up with a hypothesis. They then come up with a trial to test their hypothesis and how to solve the problem. They collect the date they need and …show more content…

Psychology was formed with the help of philosophers and psychologists. One philosopher who had a great impact on psychology was Burrhus Frederic Skinner. Skinner was born in a small town in Pennsylvania to a lawyer and stay at home mom. He loved school and did quite well at it. He got his BA in English in New York at Hamilton College. Skinner worked after school for a while, and he then returned to school. He received his masters, in 1930, and his doctorate, in 1931, in psychology, from Harvard. Skinner did research at Harvard for five years after. Skinner taught at the University of Minnesota, Indiana University, and at Harvard. B.F. Skinner’s theory is founded on operant conditioning. “The organism is in the process of ‘operating’ on the environment, which means it is bouncing around its world, doing what it does. During this …show more content…

Aristotle was born in Stagira, Greece. Both his mother and father died at a young age. He was raised by his older sister’s husband, Proxenus of Atarneus. At 17, Aristotle was sent to Athens to get a better education. During this time, Athens was thought to be the “academic center of the universe.” He enrolled in Plato’s Academy and showed himself to be an intelligent individual. After school, Aristotle worked throughout his life as a tutor, teacher, researcher, and writer. He eventually went on to open his own school in Athens called the Lyceum. Aristotle believed “knowledge could be obtained through interacting with physical objects,” and “human interpretation and personal associations played a role in our understanding of those objects.” Aristotle is known for many of his researches. Among those, he was the man who classified animals into different species based on similar characteristics. He also was fascinated by marine biology and observed the anatomy of marine life. He was the first to acknowledge the water cycle. However, one of his main focuses was his systematic concept of logic. He wanted to establish a way for everyone to be able to identify something as unison. It began with describing objects based on their traits. Today, it is known as a syllogism. During Aristotle’s time, his views on science and psychology were overlooked and ignored. His ideas were

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