
Ap Psychology Chapter 10

Satisfactory Essays

1. The politicians expressed approbation at the idea of the president’s new financial plan. 2. The caring mother was looking to assuage her son after he was hurt on the playground. 3. The construction workers formed a coalition in order to protest long working hours. 4. It is difficult for people on a diet to resist decadence, such as chocolate cake and ice cream. 5. The detective attempted to elicit as much information as possible from the suspect. 6. The student failed to expostulate the stubborn teacher into rescheduling the exam. 7. Newcomers to the world of literature often have cliché and hackneyed phrases in their works. 8. After nearly two years in hiatus, the television show came back on the air due to popular demand. 9. I did not want to directly tell Bill that there was food in his teeth, so I used an innuendo to signal him. …show more content…

In court, lawyers intercede the place of the defendants and plaintiffs and talk on their behalf. 11. After the party, the jaded teenager went into his room and immediately fell asleep. 12. Some horror movies focus less on the eerie atmosphere and instead focus on lurid imagery. 13. Many doctors and physicians deserve more recognition for their meritorious work. 14. A long plane ride may be full of small grievances and petulant behavior. 15. High school seniors often have unique prerogatives that underclassmen unlikely have. 16. Once we moved into the cabin, we were welcomed by the local provincials. 17. In the future, we will use virtual reality in order to simulate real life experiences. 18. Ancient kings were thought to be gods that transcended humans. 19. The exhausted runner staggered to the tree for umbrage. 20. Proud parents are often thought as unctuous as they brag about their children to

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