
Introduction. Narratives Are Stories And It Is Proposed

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Introduction Narratives are stories and it is proposed that narratives are an important factor by which our experiences are made meaningful. Such as stories and storytelling help us to make sense of our lives. The aim of this report is to explore an event experience using qualitative research, to understand the motivations of a visitor experience attending a beer festival. Towards finding motivation within this visitors’ experience, push and pull factors aim to explain what attracts a person to events and the person needs in doing so. Also this report will aim to closely follow Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to understand motivations of the interviewee. Baddeley et al (2010) refers to long term memory as explicit memory involving situations …show more content…

Secondly push factors in the sense of motivation of personal needs at the event such as: escape, self-exploratory, relaxation, prestige, regression, kinship-enhancement, and social interaction. Using this theory, the question schedule (see Appendix A) was based around what would pull a person to attend and what would push the personal needs at the event. Within the interview the method of Crompton’s push and pull questions were applied in order to probe for detailed answers about family, friends and activities. Analysis Maslow (1943) has a theory of motivation based upon achieving certain needs, this has been applied in different versions over the years, but the most commonly known is the hierarchy pyramid of needs. This is shown in 5 stages of physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualisation however, categorised into three main groups of basic needs, psychological needs and self-fulfilment. The results from conducting this interview became very clear in showing attributes of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. When coding the transcription from the interview three main subjects occurred, family orientation, social interaction and security. Family Orientation In Maslow’s original hierarchy of needs, the third stage of his model identifies a need of love and belonging in the relationships we have with family and friends. There was a

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