
Rebecca Krieger Cottingham Cold War

Better Essays

Part A

Interview details of Rebecca Krieger Cottingham:

Rebecca Krieger Cottingham
Born in 1963
Has lived in the following places between 1963 and 1989: Batesville, Indiana; Tucson, Arizona; Bloomington, Indiana; Singapore; Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
This interview was done on July 17, 2016, at 6:00 pm

Part B

Me: Thank you for allowing me to interview you. I would like to ask you about the subject of the Cold War. At the end, I will also be asking a couple personal questions.

Question 1: What was the first time you remember hearing about the conflict between the Soviet Union (or the USSR) and the United States? Tell me about it.

Rebecca: Well, I cannot really remember the first time that I heard about the conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States. If I think about it, I think that this knowledge was something that I kind of just absorbed...but did not really understand because no one really took the time to explain the situation to young children when I was young. I also really do not remember learning much about the conflict while I was in school.

Strangely enough, I remember hiding in a closet one time, and trying to figure out how I was going to hide and hold my breath, when "the Russians came". I was trying to figure out how I could be so quiet that they would not find me when they came to search the house. I also remember thinking that the Russians were somewhere not that far away, where they could easily travel into Indiana and invade and take over.

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