
Interpreting Technical Skills

Satisfactory Essays

In chapter 9 it talks about how you approach the game. It first talks about the different skills that one might run into. Technical skills, tactical skills, and defining skills each one brings its own concept and importance to one's philosophy as well. I feel that a tactical skill is the most important because you have to strategies against the opposing team. Some key points that stood out in what might use in tactical skills, things that you have to remember if the opponents is left handed, or if the opponent dribble with onee hand so switch the defense to make his job a lot harder using tactical skills helps you gain an advantage over your opponent. In addition the book also talks about traditional approach, which we are told to use that type of teaching style. This type of approach is something that we are taught since we were in elementary. You start off by warming up which can include stretching and moving the body parts, basic technical skills …show more content…

Furthermore you want to have a good momentum and flow your lessons try to limit horse playing. You want to avoid meanless drills and making your lesson boring because then you is going to have accidents occur because you don’t have the students’ attention. This chapter also gives us an insight on holistic style of coaching. This type of styles helps the athletes better understand the game. This will help them master the technique to the best of their abilities. On the other hand, this chapter talks about the type of coaching which is the game approach. The book states that one this type of approach will make the athletes will learn how to play the game better the teacher will help you provide the athletes with the real understanding of skills. This type of approach can also involve the athletes themselves to

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